In aspiration to help elevate national development, PT SMI’s steadfast dedication to achieving sustainable urbanization is feasible through accelerating Indonesia’s ecology, economic growth, and equality. All of which are viable with the favorable support of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance and every PT SMI’s respective stakeholders.
To achieve sustainable development for investors, government, and society, PT SMI has three synergetic pillars to help carry out its role; Financing & Investment, Advisory Services, and Project Development.
Specialising in infrastructure financing, PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) is a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) whose entire capital is owned solely by the Republic of Indonesia under the Ministry of Finance formed according to Minister of Finance Regulation No. 100/PMK.010/2009 concerning Infrastructure Financing Companies with 8 (eight) operational sectors financeable by PT SMI, namely; roads and bridges, transportation, oil and gas, telecommunications, waste management, electricity, irrigation, and drinking water supply.
PT SMI’s mandate holds two primary focuses:
- Provide benefits and contribute to communities through social and economic conscious actions.
- Promote sustainability through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and mitigating climate change.
Established in 2009 as the activator in fostering social, economic and environmental growth in Indonesia through various financial development services, including to support the implementation of the Government and Business Entity (PPP) scheme.
In 2015, the Government transferred assets and functions of the Government Investment Center (PIP) to PT SMI, with one of its functions being financing to local governments and geothermal projects. Therefore, through the OJK Letter Number S-48/D.05/2015 dated April 30, 2015, PT SMI obtained permits for sector expansion, including social infrastructure (hospitals, markets, terminals, etc.), tourism infrastructure, and rolling stock.
In 2019, PT SMI has obtained yet another license on sector expansion from OJK, through OJK Letter Number S-7/D.05/2019 dated February 12, 2019 concerning Approval for Addition of Infrastructure Financing Objects License which includes; water resources and irrigation infrastructure, system infrastructure waste management, informatics infrastructure, renewable energy infrastructure, energy conservation infrastructure, sports facilities and infrastructure, as well as arts, and public housing infrastructure.
Through these expansion sectors, PT SMI can increasingly provide innovative solutions for Indonesia’s development that actively contribute to poverty alleviation, availability of access to cleanliness or sanitation, health, education and technology, and the achievement of other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia.